College Placement Test

The college placement test utilized is Accuplacer. Accuplacer is a set of computerized tests that determines a student’s skill level in math and/or English. The results of the assessment enable us to provide students with crucial early guidance in course placement/selection. Students can schedule a remote or in-person Accuplacer assessment and access the practice materials online. There is no fee for students taking the Accuplacer Assessment test for the first time. If a student retakes the Accuplacer Assessment test, there will be a $20 fee which must be paid in the NCC Business Office prior to testing.

A math SAT score of 530 or higher is required for placement in college level math (a score of 460-529 can be used for placement in college level math with a co-requisite workshop) and a Critical Reading and Writing score of 470 or higher is required for placement in college-level English (a score of 401-469 can be used for placement in college level English with a co- requisite workshop). See Admissions for course placement information.