Culinary Arts


CULA103N: Culinary Art Skills and Development

This course emphasizes basic cooking techniques, culinary terminology and the proper use of culinary tools. Goals of the course include learning the importance of mise en place, correct cooking techniques and the basic composition of culinary building blocks.

CULA105N: Food Service Systems: Sanitation

This course is an Introduction to sanitation and public health as related to the food service industry. It also includes potential hazards that may occur in the operation and production of food. Students will be introduced to proper procedures for purchasing, receiving, storage and issuing of perishable and non-perishable foods. 

CULA140N: Nutritional Cuisine

This course will focus on learning sound nutritional principles to food preparation and menu planning, to provide nutritionally balanced but appealing meals for today’s health-conscious consumer. The importance of nutritional guidelines, food selection, alternative preparation techniques and presentation is stressed and demonstrated in daily production.