The Associate in Science Degree in Mathematics has been developed to provide the first two years of preparation for a student wishing to complete a bachelor degree with a major in mathematics or mathematics education.
In addition, the Mathematics degree provides a strong foundation for a student who wishes to transfer to a four-year institution to study engineering, physics, or related fields.
Students graduating in mathematics will be capable of interpreting the language of mathematics, perform accurate mathematical calculations, and be able to understand how mathematics can be utilized to model natural phenomena.
Calculus-based Physics I and Calculus-based Physics II are recommended as laboratory science courses to meet the General Education requirements at Nashua Community College.
Students are encouraged to work closely with their academic advisor while at NCC. An early decision by a student as to which four-year college/university he/she plans to transfer will make the advising process more effective.
Upon the completion of the degree in Mathematics, graduates will be able to:
- Demonstrate technical proficiency and effective problem solving ability in completing mathematical processes.
- Apply mathematical concepts to other disciplines including business, economics, social sciences, and natural sciences.
- Communicate mathematics effectively in both oral and written formats using appropriate mathematical language.
- Use appropriate logical reasoning, understand mathematical proof and be capable of justifying results.
In addition, the graduate will be able to demonstrate competency in the general education outcomes.