Safety and Fire Regulations

In all science and mechanics laboratories where eye injuries may occur, proper safety glasses must be worn at all times. Safety must be kept in mind. In the event of an accident, please contact Campus Safety. If accidents do occur, an accident form must be completed.
Fire drills will be held periodically, and students should become familiar with procedures for evacuating the building. Fire alarm pull boxes are located near each exit and other locations throughout the college buildings.

When discovering a fire:

  • Immediately pull a fire alarm box
  • Notify the Director of Facilities or his designee as to the location of the fire

When the fire alarm sounds:

  • Students should secure all machinery, turn off power and gas.
  • Leave the room and proceed promptly but calmly out of the building via the nearest exit.
  • The instructor will be the last person to leave the room.

Fire and safety rules are posted in each shop and laboratory. Please become familiar with them.