Short-term Library Laptop Loan Program

Students enrolled in at least two NCC courses are eligible to borrow laptops from the library.

Laptops are available on a first-come, first-served basis and cannot be reserved.

Laptops can be borrowed for one week and must be returned to the library before being checked out again or renewed. If a student needs a laptop for an extended period, they should contact the college IT Department.

Laptops are the property of Nashua Community College and are intended for academic purposes. Students must comply with the College’s Computer Code of Conduct while using library laptops. See policy in the student handbook.

The borrower is responsible for any loss or damage. If the laptop is lost or stolen, a student should notify the Library ASAP at 603-578-8905 or

Alterations, including application of external skins or stickers to laptops, are considered damage and will result in charges for repair.

Students are responsible for obtaining internet access when using the laptop off campus. On campus and in the parking lots, students can connect to the college WIFI.

Office 365 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) is available free for NCC students. Students are responsible for downloading and installing it.

Returning NCC Laptops to the Library

Devices are restored to default (everything is erased) upon return. The College is not responsible for any data, documents or applications the student saved to the laptop.

The return process includes a thorough check of the laptop’s condition by library staff.

The student will be charged a replacement fee for a missing and/or damaged device and accessories. These include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Laptop and charging cord not returned $900
  • Power/Charging cord not returned $50
  • Cracked or severely marked screen $200
  • Keyboard/Case severely damaged or vandalized $50 The laptop is considered LOST if not returned by one week after its due date. The cost to replace the device and associated components will be assessed to the student’s bursar account. If the student returns the device in good condition within 30 days of the date of assessment, the replacement fee is removed.

Any charges are sent to the Bursar’s Office for collection and may prevent a student from registering for classes, obtaining diploma/transcripts, and/or graduating until paid in full.

For more information about the Short-term Library Laptop Loan Program, please visit the library website or email the library at