
Degrees and Certificates


BUS101N: Introduction to Business

This is an introductory course designed to survey the functions of business, while exploring current trends and learning about business opportunities. Topical discussions will include, but will not be limited to the environment in which businesses operate, business structures, business ownership models, industry competitiveness, and resource utilization.

BUS104N: Principles of Marketing

This course places an emphasis on the four P's of marketing: Product, price, promotion, and place (distribution). In-depth analysis of consumer versus business customers, products, pricing strategies, consumer behavior, advertising, promotion, personal selling, and distribution channels are offered. Marketing strategic planning and marketing research are covered as well.

BUS110N: Principles of Management

This is a survey course designed to expose the student to nature of the organizational environment and the major activities performed by its managers. The course is organized around the functions of management: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling; thus making it possible for students to use the techniques of management in a systematic way. Case studies are used to apply the principles of management to hypothetical business situations.

BUS120N: Introduction to Financial Management

This course introduces the fundamentals of financial decision-making. The coursework provides a solid foundation for calculating risks and returns and assessing financial information to optimize investments. Key concepts and applications include time value of money, risk-return tradeoff, retirement savings, mortgage financing, auto leasing, asset valuation, capital budgeting, financial forecasting, and other important financial concepts. The concepts are applied to a variety of real-world situations spanning both the personal and corporate decision-making processes. The course incorporates the use of spreadsheets.

BUS201N: Human Resources Management

The purpose of the course is to familiarize the student with the scope and content of the human resource management function. Through case analyses and lectures, this course studies the relationship between employees and human resource managers in employment planning, staff recruitment and selection, training and development, performance appraisal and compensation systems, and the promotion of equal employment opportunity.

BUS204N: Small Business Management: A Capstone Course

This is the Management capstone course, which studies management techniques as applied to small businesses. Topics involve the requirements necessary to launch a new venture and manage it as an ongoing business. Discussions will cover business plan development, computer applications, human resources, purchasing, marketing, taxation, risk management, and control procedures. The development of a comprehensive business plan allows students to plan for a new venture of their choosing, which is presented in both an oral and written proposal.

BUS206N: Consumer Behavior

This course is a study of how the field of marketing influences the actions of consumers and how marketing influences the retailing process. This course provides the student with an understanding of consumer behavior, the buying process, product life cycles, and the consumer adoption process. This course highlights the importance of studying merchandising effects on consumers.

BUS207N: Sales

This course covers the planning, direction, organization, and control of the personal selling effort. Emphasis is placed on the relationships between sales and selling activities, as well as other marketing functions. Students will have numerous opportunities to create different types of sales presentations aiming at the business to business, and business to consumer markets.

BUS210N: Marketing Strategies A Capstone Course

This capstone course integrates the theories, models, and concepts covered in other marketing courses. Special emphasis is placed on the development and application of creative analytical problem solving techniques to a wide range of marketing problems.

BUS213N: Principles of Advertising

This course is an introduction to the field of advertising, which covers the procedures and theories of creating and using advertisements. The course also focuses on the marketing manager's role in designing the firm's advertising program within an overall corporate strategic plan.

BUS215N: Integrated Marketing Communications

This course provides an overview of marketing communications methods such as advertising, public relations, personal selling, and sales promotion. Emphasis is placed on how these methods are used for direct marketing campaigns.The relationship selling model is emphasized within the overall framework of marketing communications. Students utilize these methods and develop and integrated marketing communications plan.This course assumes some basic knowledge of marketing communication and promotion theory and practice on the part of the students but does not require any specific work experience.

BUS218N: Dynamics of Organizational Behavior

This course provides an overview of individual and group behavior within an organizational setting. Discussion topics include motivation, power, political behavior, team development, leadership, culture, and organizational constraints. Case studies are used to illustrate how theoretical models can be applied to various scenarios.

BUS220N: Honors Leadership in the Workplace

This course provides the critical element of analytical and intellectual examination and reflection of certain core issues in the practice of leadership. Understanding of these concepts will be achieved through open discussion, honest self-assessment, experiential exercises and observation of real-life leadership practice. Traits and behaviors of leaders setting the ethical tone of the organization are also studied. Examination of the confusion and gray areas involved in leadership initiatives sets the tone for this as an honors level course.

BUS240N: Business Law

This is an introductory course in business law. Discussion topics include the origin of law, the federal and state court systems, contract law, and the Uniform Commercial Code. The case study approach will be used so that legal concepts can be applied to various business scenarios.

BUS290N: Management/Small Business Entrepreneurship Internship

An internship program in the Department of Business is a hands-on learning experience at a for-profit or not-for-profit organization, which allows the student to practice competencies and skills learned in the classroom under the direct supervision of an on-site internship advisor.

BUS294N: Marketing Internship

An internship program in the Department of Business is a hands-on learning experience at a for-profit or not-for-profit organization, which allows the student to practice competencies and skills learned in the classroom under direct supervision of an on-site internship advisor.